Official Documentation
RND Framework

RND Framework is created by RND Innovations CO. LTD, Vietnam with the help of Rodee Web Design & Services, Canada. This rapid web development tool is used by some of very popular websites all over the world and its source codes are 100% free to download from GitHub. Please follow this official documentation, if you start developing with RND Framework.

Official Website

Before installing RND Framework

RND Framework will only run inside a web server. It means you have to purchase a web server from a hosting service provider, or install a localhost inside your working computer. There are different kinds of software packages that help you to install a localhost in your computer. All depends on your operating system. Please check the table below to find the suitable software for your computer.

Server Name Supporting OS Download
MAMP MacOs, Windows Click Here
XAMPP Windows, Linux, MacOs Click Here
LAMP Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora Click Here
WAMP Windows Click Here

NOTE: These software are third-party solutions and RND Framework has no direct/indirect relationship with them.

Minimum requirements in server

The following are required in your server to initiate RND Framework.

  • PHP 5.3 or higher
  • Apache2
  • mod_rewrite.c
  • cURL

How to install RND Framework

Once you have a web environment such as LAMP, MAMP. WAMP, or XAMPP, you can start installing the RND Framework. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Download latest RND Framework's Source Codes from GitHub Here.
  2. Copy all content inside the “src” folder in above download.
  3. Paste copied files/folders to your localhost or live server.
  4. Edit “config.php” to match with your hosting environment (Scroll down to know how. ).
  5. Edit “htaccess.txt” to match with your hosting environment (Scroll down to know how. ).
  6. Rename “htaccess.txt” as “.htaccess”.
  7. Start developing your website (Click here to start).

Editing “config.php” file

It is important to configure your website properly, otherwise it will show errors or blank pages. The file, “config.php” is the core file that keeps your website’s foundation and it helps you to configure your website within a few seconds. You can see an example of “config.php” file down below.

        // (01) Add "0", if your site is in production.

            define('SITE_TEST_MODE', 1 );

        // (02) Host variables to identify this website.

            // This is your website address which is public to the world.
            // Please note: If you host sites contents in a sub folder,
            // You have to config "HOST_PATH" after this.
            define("HOST_URL", "http://localhost:8888" );

            // If you host the site in a subfolder, ex: "", set "/DIR" down there.
            // "index.php", "config.php", ".htaccess" files must be there to avoid errors.
            // keep this empty ex: "", if you host the site in the root folder.
            // SPECIAL NOTE: 
            // If you host in a subfolder, while there is a ".htaccess" file in the root,
            // It can affect the site. We advise you to keep the site in the root always.
            define("HOST_PATH", "/HelloRND" );

            // If you want to move "rnd-content" and "rnd-engine" folders to a sub-folder,
            // Add the folder name down here. This helps you to backup all data quickly.
            // Also this can improve your site's security.
            define("DATA_PATH", "" );

        // (03) We configure API data here. Free version doesn't need this.
        //      For special products, API access can be purchased from :

            // The url where API will be linked with
            define("API_URL", '' );

            // API User ID (Use "0" for free usage). 
            define("API_USER", '0' );

            // API Login Key (Leave it empty for free usage).
            define("API_KEY", '' );

            // API Login Password (Leave it empty for free usage).
            define("API_PASS", '' );


You only have to configure above highlighted values in the “config.php” file.
If you are a free user, you will only change SITE_TEST_MODE, HOST_URL, HOST_PATH, and DATA_PATH.

Editing “.htaccess” file

While “config.php” file keeps your website’s configuration, “.htaccess” file handles the traffic of your website. This file is a powerful place to do many things on your website. For a beginner, we advise you to keep the file as we provide.

NOTE: The file we provide is just a text file only. You have to rename “htaccess.txt” as “.htaccess” to get it to work.

ALERT: “.htaccess” file is a hidden file in a web server. You have to view hidden files to edit it again.

        <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteBase /

            # Uncomment below to redirect NON-WWW to WWW
                #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
                #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

            # Uncomment below to keep SSL ON for whole site.
                #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
                #RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

            # Please DO NOT edit below.
            RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

            # For root installations.
            RewriteRule . index.php [L]

            # If you host files in a subfolder, comment above line.
            # Uncomment below line and change "host-path" with your subfolder name.
            #RewriteRule . host-path/index.php [L]

            # NOTE: You have to rename this file as ".htaccess" to run your site.
            # Please note that "." files will be hidden. May need restarting apache also.
            # Visit: and get more support.


IMPORTANT: You must have "mod_rewrite.c" in your server to start development.

Now it’s time to develop!

After a successful installation of RND Framework, you can start developing your websites on it. Just grab a delicious coffee or a tea first and start your development.

Click here to start